NEWS - Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Surviving Mars to Get Update on Nov. 15th on Xbox One
Surving Mars has been out for awhile now, and the game is more then just a explotary game, as you have a lot of simulation elements to deal with. And now with our first-ever expansion, Space Race, launching on November 15, you’ll have to contend with rival colonies too.
With rival colonies on the map, players can vie for milestones, anomalies and even important colonists with several other AI colonies backed by competing sponsors. Or you can keep it friendly by establishing trade agreements and responding to their distress calls (and hoping they respond to yours). Your relationship with them will be dynamic, and can even get difficult at times, but ultimately Earth is far, far away and you might need to rely on your Martian neighbors. After all, humankind is most resourceful in a competition.
Olayers can also now play out narrative events throughout the colonization process that help add a much-needed human, personal feel to each game and reveal the realities of life in the dome. This was based on user/community feedback and adds more of an attachement to your colony and the people living within it.
The dev-team has also reworked some of the mission sponsor mechanics so that each sponsor has a really different playstyle with their own goals to complete and unique advantages such as special vehicles or buildings. Adding unique buildings and vehicles was critical for our goal. Now every sponsor feels acutely distinctive, and we expect our players will play them differently. This means that even if you successfully establish your colony, you can always go back and take on a whole new challenge with a new mission sponsor (Oh, they’ve added more sponsors, to boot).
To celebrate this first expansion, Surviving Mars will have a free weekend for Xbox One players at the launch of Space Race from November 15 to 18. We love the free weekends and hope that you XBA readers take advantage of being able to check out this game over a few days, for free.
Source: Xbox News Wire